On the 25th of June, the CIDI network met to review key issues on the disability agenda in Cambodia. This was the opportunity to present the draft of the book produced with the support of the Australian Red Cross with funding from AusAID. Other outputs of such as the various research reports were also presented. This meeting was set up with the aim to help partners know each other and know of the future role of ARC in disability inclusion in Cambodia. This increased communications between the CIDI network partners, provided the opportunities for all involved to better understand the need to develop a resource mobilisation strategy. The CIDI network will soon end and the meeting also raised the need to rebrand the network. | Please help the children by buying the book. You can download the interactive PDF above as a preview of what you'll get and you can also watch the video research report here |

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action_iec-end_of_project_report_2012_final.pdf |